SPW: Eurasian Dragon and Black Arrow vs. Bitman and Czkey (April 28, 2017)

Pride of the homeland.

The thing I love about this match is that it’s a sprint. It’s shorter than ten minutes, and they keep it pretty energetic throughout. They don’t hit everything on-point like you would expect from a Dragon Gate match or whatever, but part of the charm is that they don’t care. No iteration of Team Singapore has been able to get over on any version of Team Hong Kong in recent battles, so they’re really hankering for a win and they’re just going right for it.

Czkey (AKA Datin Z) and Bitman manage to get some heat after taking an initial onslaught, using veteran rulebreaker tactics on Eurasian Dragon to rile up the babyfaces and the crowd. Dragon weathers the storm and tags in Black Arrow, and the heels get no more offense after this point. Bitman saves Czkey after a wheelbarrow/flatliner double team. The Singaporeans throw Czkey out of the ring, and Bitman gets tossed onto the apron, then just stands there waving his hands while he gets bumped to the floor (the Russian commentator hangs a lampshade on it). Dragon holds the heels for a whisper in the wind by Arrow (Dragon actually takes the brunt of it). Bitman gets into the ring, but he takes a running knee in the corner from Arrow and a pop-up powerbomb from Dragon to end his night.

Winners – Eurasian Dragon & Black Arrow

Rating – Good

Mighty Mighty, Black Arrow’s regular tag team partner, comes out to congratulate his countrymen afterwards.

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